
Note! This help page has not been updated to the current version of Prefixer. The bundled help file in the application is the latest and most up to date!

First startup

Make sure that Prefixer is enabled by pressing the ON/OFF switch in the top right corner until it says "ON" - otherwise Prefixer is disabled and won't react on your outgoing calls. You could also add the Prefixer widget to your home screen to have the ON/OFF functionality close to hand if needed (Note! If you want to use the widget, please install Prefixer on phone memory rather than on your SD card. See more information below.).

Adding new rules to Prefixer is either made manually or by scanning a QR-code containing a Prefixer rule. The QR-code could for example be taken directly from a web page (like this) or from a friend's mobile with Prefixer installed. In the same way you can share your own rules with others.

You may create unlimited number of rules. For each rule you create, you need to make sure that the checkbox next to it is checked if you want it to be enabled. When you temporarily don't need a specific rule, just tick off the checkbox next to it and Prefixer won't use that specific rule.

A Prefixer rule is built up by some generic parameters followed by conditions and actions. The conditions decide when the rule should execute, whereas the actions decide what changes to the number (or other actions) should be made if the rule is executed.

As soon as a number is dialed or incoming call is detected, Prefixer will go through all your enabled rules and their conditions beginning from the top. If all conditions in a specifc rule apply, the rule's action(s) will be executed.

Press the menu button to open up the sub menu with "info" and "about" options, where you can get a shorter introduction to Prefixer. For a longer and more thorough explanation - keep on reading below...

Adding rules

To add a new rule to Prefixer, press the menu button followed by "Add rule". In the dialog that comes up - choose "Manual" for manual creation or "Scan" to add a rule by scanning a QR-code. Finally choose whether the rule should be valid for "Outgoing" or "Incoming" numbers. The rule editor will open up showing you all editable parameters, explained below. The parameters have the same functionality for both outgoing and incoming rules, unless something else is specified.


Rule enabled

By unchecking this checkbox, you may easily disable a rule when you don't need it for a while - still having it saved for later usage.


A short description or title of the rule.

When number matches

The core parameter in Prefixer that decides what numbers Prefixer will react on. Prefixer will try to match the outgoing/incoming phone number with this expression. If the number matches and all other conditions apply - the rest of the rule will be executed. The value of this parameter could be a simple phone number like 0701234567, or a complete regular expression telling what numbers to react on. Note that if special characters like + are included in the parameter value, these need to have a backslash before them. An example would be a specific phone number with included country code, i.e. \+46701234567

If you want to test your regular expression before saving it in Prefixer, there are several online services for this. You'll find one of them here:

The default value for this parameter is the regular expression .* which means the rule will trigger on all numbers.

Number in contact list

A condition that will make sure to check whether the number belongs to one of your stored contacts or not.

If "Yes" is checked, a contact with this number need to exist. If "No" is checked, a contact with this number should not exist. If set to "Either" (default), it doesn't matter whether a contact with this number exists or not.

Member in group

A condition that is used to check whether the number (contact) exists in one of the chosen contact groups. The number (contact) only has to be a member in one (1) of the chosen groups for the condition to apply.


A condition that is used to check whether the phone is currently roaming on the network or not.

If "Yes" is checked, the condition will only apply if we are currently roaming (i.e. not using our home network). If "No" is checked, the phone need to be on the home network and not roaming.

If set to "Ignore" (default), it doesn't matter whether the phone is roaming or not.

During days

What day(s) of the week this rule should be valid for. Default is all days of the week.

From time

From what time of the day the rule is valid. Default is 00:00.

To time

To what time of the day the rule is valid. Default is 23:59.


Remove characters

The first action parameter, telling what characters should be removed from the number being called. Note that only the first occurrence of these characters will be removed.

Add prefix

Action parameter telling what prefix should be added to the beginning of the number being called.

Add suffix

Action parameter telling what suffix should be added to the end of the number being called.

Add number to call log

Action parameter telling whether the number should added to the call history or not.

The default value is "Default", meaning that Prefixer won't perform any extra logging of calls at all.

For outgoing call rules you may check "Original", meaning that the actual number you called in the first place, before Prefixer changed it will be logged as well.

For incoming call rules you may check "Prefixed", meaning that the manipulated incoming number will be logged into the call history.

Confirm call

(only for outgoing rules)

If you want a confirmation dialog to popup before every call that matches the specific rule you should enable this setting. The possible configurations are:

  • No - The default value. No popup will trigger.

  • Yes - A confirmation dialog will popup asking you to verify that you really want to make the call.

  • Manual - The standard dialing application will popup allowing you to make manual adjustments to the number.

  • Challenge (Party filter) - A confirmation dialog will popup challenging you with a mathematical question. Unless you know the answer to the question, you will not be able to make the call.

Confirm call tip: Set up a simple rule with a condition that triggers for all numbers during late nights or weekends (or whenever you are partying). It could possibly be a life saver stopping calls you later might have regret! :-)

When all necessary rule information is set, back out of the editor and the rule is saved automatically.

Adding rules using scan

To add a new rule using scan functionality, press the menu button followed by "Add rule". In the dialog that comes up - choose "Scan", point your phone's camera at the QR-code containing the Prefixer rule and wait for the scanning procedure to finish. Unless you already have the Barcode Scanner app installed, you will be prompted to install it from Android Market before the scanning can take place. When the rule has been scanned, the rule editor will open up for you to be able to perform manual edits to the rule before saving it.

Adding rules by clicking a link

When clicking a web link containing a Prefixer rule using your Android mobile - the link will open up the rule editor in Prefixer with values from the new rule filled in.

Back out from the opened rule editor to save the rule to your own list of rules.

Edit rules

To edit an already saved rule - single click or long press on the specific rule and choose "Edit rule" in the context menu that pops up.

You may also tick the check box next to each rule in the list to quickly enable or disable it without having to open the editor.

Duplicating rules

To duplicate a rule - long press on the specific rule you want a copy of and choose "Duplicate rule" in the context menu that pops up. The rule editor will open up a new rule with values copied from the chosen one.

After your edits to the rule, back out of the rule editor and the rule will be saved automatically.

Sharing rules with others

To share a saved rule with a friend - long press on the specific rule and choose "Share rule" in the context menu that pops up. You will be prompted whether you want to share the rule via a barcode (QR-code) or one of multiple other ways to share it (e.g. SMS, Email, Bluetooth...). The possible ways of sharing is dependent on your installed applications.

Deleting rules

To delete a rule - long press on the specific rule and choose "Delete rule" in the context menu that pops up. You will be prompted to make sure you are sure about the deletion.

Moving rules up/down

To rearrange the order in which Prefixer runs through the rules, you can move individual rules up and/or down in the lists. Long press on the specific rule and choose "Move rule up" or "Move rule down" in the context menu. The higher up the rule is, the more prioritized it will be.


Pressing the menu button followed by "Preferences" from the main window, the application preferences screen will open. In the preference screen you have the following options:

  • Bluetooth - Activating this checkbox will bypass all call confirmation dialogs when using bluetooth headsets.

  • Dialing fix - This setting is automatically configured for your device and should not need to be changed unless Prefixer isn't working for you. If the checkbox is checked, you most likely have one of several HTC branded phones with a bug that prevents Prefixer from doing it's work if this box isn't checked.

Application widget

Prefixer comes with a widget. Add it to your home screen if you want to have the ON/OFF functionality of Prefixer close to hand.

Note! If you've chosen to have Prefixer installed on the SD card, the widget will disappear as soon as you enable USB mass storage (for example to share files with your computer). The widget will not return until you have rebooted your device! This is not related to Prefixer only, it's for all applications that comes with widgets. Despite this, we still provide the "a2sd" option for those of you who never use the widget and really want Prefixer installed on the SD card (this might change in the future though).

Final words

Enjoy Prefixer!